Close your eyes, take a deep breath of summer air, and dare to plunge into the cold water. With STAUNT, we dive into the evergreen Gablenz. From the Hans-Beimler area to the Garden City, all the way to the swimming pool, you'll get a glimpse into the district where privet hedges and well-kept allotment gardens line the paths. STAUNT invites you to spend a sunny Sunday in the Garden City of Gablenz, where alongside sports, creative, and musical activities, you can let your soul wander and gaze over the blossoming Chemnitz.

13:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Ort: Festivalzentrum, KGV Sonnige Höhe, Frühlichtweg 27
You can expect a lively atmosphere with pony rides for children, face painting, wood painting and crafting with friends from the carving club "Sonnige Höhe," and a large playground on the festival meadow with the mobile play unit of the Children's Association Chemnitz. There will be warm food and cake available at the clubhouse for your physical well-being. Admission is free for everyone!
Schnitzverein Sonnige Höhe e.V.

Participatory Event at the Carving Club Sonnige Höhe e.V.
10:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Ort: Schnitzverein Sonnige Höhe e.V., Frühlichtweg 27
Mit: Schnitzverein Sonnige Höhe e.V.
The Carving Club Sonnige Höhe opens its doors and invites you to explore the world of traditional craftsmanship. There will be a small exhibition in the workshop, live carving demonstrations, and painting and interactive activities for children.
Schnitzverein Sonnige Höhe e.V.

80er Aerobic with Smoothies
11:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Ort: Freibad Gablenz, am Gablenzer Bad 34A
Let's shake it up with a real 80s aerobics session. Feel free to bring colorful and flashy clothes. After working out, enjoy smoothies and a cool-down in the water. This is a participatory, family-friendly, and bilingual event.
Foto: Michele Scognamillo

Rundgang “Städte im Stadtteil”
10:00 - 12:30 Uhr
Startpunkt: Festivalzentrum, KGV Sonnige Höhe - Frühlichtweg 27
Mit: René Bzdok
Auf dieser kurzweiligen Tour begeben wir uns auf die Reise durch die kleinen Utopien des Stadtteiles Gablenz. Ob Kleingarten, Gartenstadt oder Eigenheim. Die verschiedenen kleinen Lebenswelten auf engem Raum werden aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven beleuchtet und es wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Visionen vom Stadtleben wir alle teilen.
Foto: CAWG Chemnitz

The Evergreens at the Garden City Café: Cake Recipe, Vinyl Record, and Plant Exchange
14:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Ort: Gartenstadtcafé, Geibelstraße 47
Attention all cake, plant, and music lovers! Enjoy delicious cakes from the Garden City Café and exchange your cake recipes with others. Bring your surplus plants and expand your green oasis at the plant swap. Become part of the musical exchange and give your records a new home. You can also bring your favorite records to have them played by a DJ—no exchange required! Family-friendly, accessible, participatory, bilingual.
Foto: Lauritz Maletz

Tour of the Allotment Gardens
16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Start: Festivalzentrum, KGV Sonnige Höhe e.V., Frühlichtweg 27
What can you discover in allotment garden clubs? For example, the participants of the third Allotment Garden Competition 2023 under the motto “For a Good Climate in Our City”! Various allotment gardens from this competition will present themselves and showcase what they have to offer. The tour will be moderated by the chairperson of the city association.

Skate-Ramp Workshop
The UnvermittelBar collective brings its skate ramps along. Skateboards and protective gear are available for borrowing. You can try out, learn something new, and start skateboarding right away. Get on the decks!
Foto: Lauritz Maletz

Lecture: "Material Cycles in Cities"
17:00-19:00 Uhr
Ort: Festivalzentrum, KGV Sonnige Höhe e.V. - Frühlichtweg 27
Every event, theater production, and performance uses a lot of fabrics, furniture, and other materials. But what happens to them once the curtain falls? There are initiatives that collect, refurbish, and redistribute these materials for new uses, almost like a second-hand hardware store. The Dresden initiative will introduce itself and explain their process.

GWerk Opening - Art Exhibition and Performance
18:00 Uhr
Ort: Am ehemaligen
The grand opening of the year is upon us! After legendary clubs like the FZ and the Villa, Gablenz is gaining another party location. Come join us, reminisce about old celebrations, and look forward to the toughest door in the heart of Gablenz.
Foto: Kollekt.e
Foto: Kollekt.e

„Silent Disco” Headphone Dance Parade
21:00-23:00 Uhr
Startpunkt: Festivalzentrum, KGV Sonnige Höhe - Frühlichtweg 27
Join us for the final dance on this exciting Sunday! The STAUNT Festival bids farewell on its opening weekend with a Silent Disco dance parade through Gablenz. Bring your headphones and enjoy the finest selection of music. We look forward to seeing you there!
P.S.: There will be rental headphones available on site.
Foto: Tim Plagemann