It's time to marvel again!
This year we invite you to the 2nd STAUNT Festival.
What makes Chemnitz vivid are the many cultural and participatory places in the city. However, many of these locations are not visible enough and we want to change that. The STAUNT Festival will take place in a different part of the city every day. Together with you we would like to discover the places of culture and encounter and learn exciting new things about the neighborhoods.
A diverse program of 34 events awaits you. Every day there are explorations, workshops and meals. You can also join in for theater, cinema, laughter yoga, readings, concerts and much more.
4 Days in 4 Districts
4 Days in 4 Districts
On Saturday, the 24th of September, we start the festival with a big parade through the city. On September the 25th you will find us in Altchemnitz. We continue on the 1th of October in Helbersdorf in the former Heckert-Gebiet. And on the last day, October 2nd, the program will take place in Bernsdorf.
The first weekend

The STAUNT Festival 2022 starts with a big "Culture Parade". There has never been one like it in Chemnitz! Together with the Hand in Hand Bündnis, the Netzwerk für Kultur- und Jugendarbeit and the TUN! Akademie we invite you to join us!
Thinking of Altchemnitz, you’re thinking of empty or active and repurposed factories. These are lined up along the river - and questions arise about what used to be here and what it could become. Altchemnitz leaves you a lot of room for mind movies and thought experiments. The STAUNT Festival would like to explore cultural projects with you and dive into the history of the district.
The second weekend
Click here for the detailed call.

Helbersdorf forms part of the former Fritz Heckert area, the third-largest prefabricated housing area in the GDR. It is the bridge between Karl-Marx-Stadt and the new Chemnitz. Here, new ideas for current challenges flourish between tried and tested formats and the experiences of long-time residents. On its journey through the neighborhood, the STAUNT Festival encounters a forest in the middle of the city, community places, gardens and much more. Today at the Festival Center with us: the local housing cooperative WCH.

Bernsdorf is a district in Chemnitz where many young people live. What is special about Bernsdorf is the university with its large campus. Many new ideas are developed here, for example by student initiatives. These groups of students ensure that there is a variety of offers for sports, dance, culture and science.
But there are also other spots in Bernsdorf to discover people and their projects. They are, for example, reflecting on new forms of housing and living together. Together with them, we would like to experience a day full of movement and encounters.

The Festival Center

People usually meet in the city center.
Our mission is to bring some life into the districts. So how?
In addition to the many events at different locations in the district, there is our Festival Center. Every day of the festival you can find us there. If you have any questions or requests about the festival, you can come and visit us here. At the Festival Center you can join different activities, e.g. write postcards, answer questions about the district or play games. "Die Dezentrale" is a place to rest, have a chat and enjoy refreshing drinks.
Every day there will also be talks and a "Silent Disco" (Headphone Disco).
Altchemnitz - Erdmannsdorfer Straße 2
Helbersdorf - Friedrich-Hähnel-Straße 28
Bernsdorf - Bernsdorfer Straße 41
Opening time: every day from 10:00 am
The events at the Festival Center are marked in green in the program.
Where do you find the Festival Center?
„Die Dezentrale”



The STAUNT Festival 2022 starts with a big "Culture Parade". There has never been one like it in Chemnitz! Together with the Hand in Hand Bündnis, the Netzwerk für Kultur- und Jugendarbeit and the TUN! Akademie we invite you to join us!
Chemnitz lives through the active people who make the city more lively and diverse every day. With the parade we want to make visible how many creative and active people we are in Chemnitz. We are all part of the self-made city culture, no matter if you’re a visitor, sociocultural center, artist, community café, neighborhood initiative or photography club.
Together with you we want to set a sign. We make the city worth living in; for this we want to start on 24.09. at the Neumarkt and parade to the Stadlerplatz - colorful and eye-catching. The demonstration will be accompanied by music, decoration and speeches. Make yourselves colorful, dress up, bring your creativity to the streets. We are many and all together we shape Chemnitz.
The demonstration offers no place for political parties and any form of discrimination.
16.00 Uhr
Sock chain
16.00 Uhr
Handicraft and Design Workshop
with Donna Quijote und FabLab Chemnitz
Location: Neumarkt Chemnitz
As a connecting element we would like to try an experiment with you in the "hosiery city" Chemnitz. Bring one sock each, which we will then transform into a long sock chain on the Neumarkt. At the end all socks will be counted to show how many people care about the cultural scene in Chemnitz. So tell your friends, family members and club members!
Because stocking is trump!
Important: Your sock must be delivered to the design workshop at Neumarkt by 4 pm.
Location: Neumarkt Chemnitz
At this workshop you can equip yourselves for the parade. We want to parade through the streets with a lot of klimbim. Young and old are welcome to create and have fun. From piñatas to lanterns, chains and other things you can craft everything you want. You can also create posters for the culture parade and decorate yourself with paint and glitter.
family-friendly, hands-on, low barrier
22.30 Uhr
Kick-off at Kulturbahnhof
Location: Südbahnhof – Reichenhainer Straße 1
The parade ends here and the fun continues at Kulturbahnhof. Concerts, refreshing drinks and great encounters await you.
Concert: Sophia Mix and Counsels
Party: DJ Booster

13.00 Uhr
Workshop: Sewing, Embroidering, Printing
13.00 Uhr
Breakfast, Drinks and Music with Atomino
mit Valentin Mici, Pauschal ist Pauschal, ERIKA e.V., Ina Goetz, Buntmacher*innen
Location: Wirkbau - Lothringer Straße 11
Chemnitz has become famous for its textile industry. Today, most of the factories in Altchemnitz are empty or have been refilled with new projects. In Wirkbau we want to work with textiles again.
At the workshop you can transform old fabrics from the factories into bags and other things or simply bring your own ideas. The workshop will also help you to make broken things whole again.
At the ERIKA e.V. stand you can print on fabric. You can even make the motifs yourself. Together with Ina Goetz you can also embroider the fabrics and bags that you have brought or sewn. There is something for everyone.
Family-friendly, low barrier, hands-on, bilingual

Ort: Wirkbau - Lothringer Straße 11
Music by Pørtra and drinks made by Atomino. There will also be delicious crêpes and waffles for breakfast. A Sunday trip worth taking!
Family-friendly, low barrier, bilingual
12.30 Uhr
Anti-Asian Racism
Open Workshop with Vũ Vân Phạm
Ort: Spinnbau - Altchemnitzer Straße 27, Foyer Figurentheater
The workshop at Spinnbau deals with racism towards people who look South-East Asian. In the German dominant society, these people are devalued and discriminated against because they seem different. The background for this is also colonial history. The participants take a critical look at the different levels behind this racism. The workshop is open to all interested people from the age of 16 and will be held in German.
With registration at: info@theater-chemnitz.de
zum Mitmachen, ab 16 Jahren, findet in deutscher Sprache statt
15.00 Uhr
„Silent Disco”
with radio t
14.00 Uhr
Impro Theater Performance
Location: Spinnbau - Altchemnitzer Straße 27, Ostflügel
Since March 2022, drama and puppet theater have been "living" in Altchemnitz. Actors show whatever you wish for: a word, an object, a color - through the power of imagination and improvisation anything can become a story.
Location: Festivalzentrum - Erdmannsdorfer Str. 2
Party without noise complaints! A fine selection of music wanders directly into your ears and down to your legs via headphones that can be borrowed from us. You can choose which music you would like to dance to. The neighborhood becomes a dance floor!
family-friendly, low barrier, hands-on, bilingual
16.00 Uhr
Workshop "The factory has been empty for a long time, we want to do something there!"
14.30 Uhr
Guided Tour of the
Location: Spinnbau Foyer - Altchemnitzer Straße 27
A look inside the rooms of Theater Chemnitz. Something new in the old and familiar. What can a theater look like in an old factory?
15.00 Uhr
Radau in the Book Booth
Location: Nachbarschaftstreff Radau e.V. - Rößlerstraße 12
A phone booth full of books. Old, new, big or small ones. We would like to read them together with you. For this purpose, there is an open reading stage; here, everyone is allowed to read aloud. Those who participate will get a little surprise. We would like to read the books from the book box, but you can also bring your own books. There will be cake and drinks for a donation.
Family-friendly, hands-on, low barrier
Roman Grabolle (Kooperative Wohnformen Chemnitz) & Rocco Zühlke (Stadtteilmanager für Wirtschaft, Kreativwirtschaft und Netzwerkarbeit)
Location: Festivalzentrum - Erdmannsdorfer Straße 2
The workshop will discuss the legal possibilities and obstacles of temporary and permanent use of abandoned industrial areas and empty factory buildings. Examples from Leipzig and Chemnitz as well as consulting and support services in both cities will be presented and discussed together.
The workshop will be held in German.
low-barrier, hands-on

20.00 Uhr
Sellout - Flea market
22.00 Uhr
Lights at the factories
with Metamerie
Location: Rößlerstraße 13
The Rö13 is alive. A "musical flea market" awaits you. In the spirit of a flea market, there is selling and consulting. There will be surprises. Rö13 accompanies you by singing and dancing. That’s what we call a flea market and a lot of fun. Starring: Augenringemann, Baumarkt, Sumsi Sumarum die Vierte and some others who don't know about their luck yet.
low barrier, bilingual
Start: Rößlerstraße 13
Altchemnitz is full of factories and empty buildings. Old, abandoned and gray they are standing along the river. In the darkness they turn alive and colorful. The tour invites you to join in. Together with artist Metamerie, we will illuminate the walls with pictures, light and videos.
In addition, the stories of the factories and buildings will be told. An exploration from the present to the past and back.
We make sure that the route is barrier-free.
Family-friendly, hands-on, low barrier
22.00 Uhr
Mapping the Südbahnhof
with Metamerie
Location: Südbahnhof - Reichenhainer Straße 1
The tour "Lights at the factories" ends at the Südbahnhof. This will be the grand finale of the day. The artist Metamerie illuminates the Südbahnhof with different colors, shapes and graphics. The place shines in a whole new glow.
low barrier

12.00 Uhr
Laughter Yoga - Introduction Workshop
with Ariane Lenk, Liebe dein Lachen
14.00 Uhr
Cricket Workshop
with USG Chemnitz e.V.
Location: Villa Esche - Parkstraße 58
With laughter yoga you will do something very effective and strengthening for your immune system, promote your health and lighten your mood in times when meetings and get-togethers are rare and fears are spreading! We will take a look into the colorful world of laughter yoga and feel the effects of different exercises on our own bodies. Of course, you will also learn more about the health aspects and the origin of the laughter movement. So let's get those laughing muscles to dance. Will you join in the laughter?
Family-friendly, hands-on
Location: Friedrich-Hähnel-Straße 88
In the heart of Helbersdorf, one of the most popular sports in the world has found a home. What a bowler or the batsmen are, why the wicket has to be protected and why cricket fascinates so many people, you can find out at this workshop. Games, new impressions and lots of movement await you.
Family-friendly, hands-on, bilingual
14.00 Uhr
Vortrag „Die Normalisierung der Neustädte”
mit Wolfgang Kil
14.00 Uhr
Location: Treff am Hang - Friedrich-Hähnel-Straße 11
Food connects! It gives us new strength, encourages us to exchange ideas, it brings people together and always makes us discover something new. Food is a true miracle in our everyday lives. We want to celebrate it and invite you to our “Küche für Alle”! There is something for everyone, guaranteed!
Family-friendly, bilingual
Location: Festivalzentrum - Friedrich-Hähnel-Str. 28
The former Heckert area is a large and important part of Chemnitz. What can these large housing estates mean for the city? How can we make them fit for a future – whatever that may look like? The prefabricated housing estates are often seen as a particularly problematic part of a city that is tailored to a specific group of residents. However, Wolfgang Kil, architecture critic and publicist, sees large housing estates like the Heckert area as a completely normal city. All that matters is that they are not denied this normalization. To do this, their typical qualities must be maintained. Wolfgang Kil's lecture addresses how to deal with GDR architecture and its consequences. Examples of other large housing estates are also shown.
The talk will be held in German.
17.00 Uhr
Graffiti-Workshop „The Dream to Fly”
Location: NaturWALDInsel Grünes Klassenzimmer, gegenüber Scheffelstraße 8
Icarus continues flying in our daydreams! With a pen, brush and spray can, you can let your imagination run wild and put your ideas of airy adventures on the wall. Two experienced graffiti artists will support you with advice and practical help.
Family-friendly, low barrier, hands-on, bilingual
17.00 Uhr
Location: NaturWALDInsel Grünes Klassenzimmer, gegenüber Scheffelstraße 8
There is a tour every full hour.
A small treasure hides unnoticed in the south of Chemnitz, more precisely in the district of Helbersdorf between Scheffelstrasse and Friedrich-Hänel-Strasse. In recent years, an undisturbed piece of land has been created. The biotope offers the chance to explore the fauna and flora. Information can be found on the nature trail. We invite everyone who is interested to join us.
Family-friendly, hands-on
with Elke Racher
17.00 Uhr
Cake Fair - the Festival
and its Guests
Location: Treff am Hang - Friedrich-Hähnel-Straße 11
Cake time is treat time! And this time, the event is brought to life by you: everyone is invited to bring their own baked goods - from cakes to biscuits, including recipes. On site, we want to try out the delicious treats with you, exchange recipes, learn from each other and top off the new experiences with a hot drink.
Family-friendly, hands-on
17.40 Uhr
Tour of Helbersdorf
Start: Treff am Hang - Friedrich-Hähnel-Straße 11
District manager Thomas Rosner introduces interested walkers to the beautiful, special and unique spots of Helbersdorf. In doing so, he always brings in a bit of his own perspective. Let him take you on a tour through a district that still has one or two surprises in store, well away from the main traffic routes. Autumn meadows, a nature trail and arguably the longest park in Chemnitz will await you between Plattenbau.
with Thomas Rosner (Districtmanagement Chemnitz Süd)
19.00 Uhr
„Silent Disco”
with radio t
Location: Festivalzentrum - Friedrich-Hähnel-Str. 28
Party without noise complaints! A fine selection of music wanders directly into your ears and down to your legs via headphones that can be borrowed from us. You can choose which music you would like to dance to. The neighborhood becomes a dance floor!
family-friendly, hands-on, low barrier, bilingual
21.30 Uhr
The Bicycle Cinema presents:: DDR Plattenbau - Jedem seine Wohnung
with Fahrradkino Chemnitz e.V.
Location: Polargarten - Scheffelstraße 99
Cinema to dive into and cycle along with! You can sit back and enjoy the film or get on one of the bicycles that power the short film adventure. Your bike can also become part of the cinema! What is it about? The original DEFA documentaries report on the housing construction programme of the GDR and the construction workers who worked there.
The language of the movie is German.
FSK: INFO Program according to § 14 JuSchG
low barrier, hands-on


12.00 Uhr
Tour of the Colonial
Past in Bernsdorf
14.00 Uhr
Kitchen for all: Brunch
Start: Subbotnik - Vettersstraße 34a
This tour is about colonialism and its leftovers. The European occupation of territories and cultures in other countries has left more footprints than you might think. Even in Bernsdorf! We go on a journey together and learn new things about places and their past. What happened here in the past? Why are these streets or this shop called like this? We come into conversation and find many questions and answers.
The tour will be held in German.
Location: Subbotnik - Vettersstraße 34a
A brunch is breakfast and lunch at the same time! Try delicious food and drinks and donate as much money as you like. That's the idea of "Küche für Alle". Come along and enjoy.
Suggested donation: 3-15
Family-friendly, bilingual
13.00 Uhr
16.00 Uhr
Ready made - Bicycle repair-Workshop with Dr. Radinger
Location: Plus-Bar - Bernsdorfer Straße 41
Fancy some art? The Bernissage is our vernissage on the Bernsdorfer Straße. There are not only works of art to marvel at, but also delicious drinks served by the Plus-Bar.
Featuring artworks by: Laurin Erdmann
Location: Plus-Bar - Bernsdorfer Straße 41
Your bike has had a flat tire for ages and the brake is also broken? No problem for Dr. Radinger! Here you will be helped to easily help yourself - and your old bike appears again in new glory.
hands-on, bilingual
18.00 Uhr
Chemnitz Untold
16.00 Uhr
“Future protected areas -
Test sites for für co-productive
urban development”
Location: Le Parisien - Vettersstraße 37
Chemnitz Untold tells stories from the lives of people who came to Chemnitz from different countries and now live here. The project shows what people are concerned with and what they want to change.
Today we visit Mohammed in his café "Le Parisien".
Chemnitz Untold presents photos, audios and interviews. The band Wedeb will play a mixture of reggae, hip-hop and urban music for you.
low barrier, bilingual
Location: Festivalzentrum - Bernsdorfer Straße 41
A future protected area. A place where understanding and concern for today's problems grow. A place where new skills are learned and experiments can be created. A place for local solutions and active flexibility in a resistant city. Find out how this could work here.
The talk will be held in German.
with: Konglomerat e.V.
Campus on the Move
19.00 Uhr
Ohrenschmaus. Presented by
Radio UNiCC.
22.00 Uhr
Location: Technische Universität - Reichenhainer Straße 90
The university campus is huge. There is a lot of space here that we want to make use of.
Family-friendly, hands-on, low barrier, bilingual
Bobbycar-Race with TUC Racing
Fast speed, spinning wheels and bright red racing cars sound just like what you're looking for? Then the Bobbycar race is the right thing for you! Everyone from 0-99 years old is welcome to race on the track. Great surprises are waiting for the fastest.
Speed Friending with KulturcampusPeople from different countries sometimes have a hard time understanding each other. This is not only because they speak different languages, but also because they have had different experiences. Kulturcampus is a student group that therefore wants to lend a helping hand. They organize events to meet and get to know each other better. At Speed Friending you can meet new people and maybe even make new friends. Come along!
Skate-Ramps with UnvermittelBar
The collective UnvermittelBar has brought its skate ramps. Skateboards and protectors are available for rent. Get on the decks!
Cargo Bike Parcours with Students for Future
Cargo bikes - bicycles with a "luggage compartment" - are seen more and more often in the streets. They are certainly practical. But there are also many obstacles. On the cargo bike parcours with Students for Future you can take up this challenge.
Inclusive Art With Erfahrungen
The group "Erfahrungen" paints with wheelchairs - and so do you! However, the initiative does not only want to invite you to create a joint work of art, but also to draw attention to the experiences that people in wheelchairs have every day.
Location: Festivalzentrum - Bernsdorfer Straße 41
19.30 Uhr Hip-Hop Session mit Beatvalley Produxnz, Skrab und Textchemie
... and all of a sudden everything is sadder than ever - but there is Hip Hop straight out of Chemnitz coming to the STAUNT Festival 2022. In a rap edition with rappers from the south of Chemnitz the dynamics of society will be highlighted. The focus of this session is to show insights of this society, to describe it with the words of Hip Hop and to show what rap from Chemnitz has to offer.
21.00 Uhr Janiz
Punk Rock from Chemnitz. After the Hip Hop session Janiz turns up the heat again. With a round of Punk Pop we slowly let the day come to an end, and before it goes really silent at the STAUNT Festival, it goes really loud again with Janiz.
22.00 Uhr
„Silent Disco”
with radio t
Start: Festivalzentrum - Bernsdorfer Straße 41
On to the last dance of this exciting weekend! The STAUNT Festival says goodbye with a Silent Disco dance parade through Bernsdorf. You will get headphones and the finest music selection for your ears. We are looking forward to seeing you!
low barrier, hands-on, bilingual